The assert on line 659 was causing my build to fail. Two issues caused
gitCommit to be empty.
1. The cmd 'git describe --always --tags --dirty=+' was not given
enough time to complete and had not exited which meant no text in
2. The two git commands on lines 653 and 658 were run from the
CWD of my Eclipse IDE, not the $projectDir which caused git to return
an error 128.
To solve the two issues I added a waitForOrKill method call to
proc (like the srCmd had) and I set the execute to run in $projectDir
which I think was the intent/assumption in the original code.
Also add waitFor on git describe command.
and FileTestUtil in favor of commons-io. This is required because
Eclipse won't put src/test code into the classpath of src/main
code (even though gradle was configured with an according
This is needed for javadocAll since otherwhise there will be
warning: a file has already been seen for
package org.jivesoftware.smack
Introducing Smack's own XmlPullParser interface which tries to stay as
compatible as possible to XPP3. The interface is used to either wrap
StAX's XMLStreamReader if Smack is used on Java SE, and XPP3's
XmlPullParser if Smack is used on on Android.
Fixes SMACK-591.
Also introduce JUnit 5 and non-strict javadoc projects.
This commit adds
- SmackReactor / NIO
- a framework for finite state machine connections
- support for Java 8
- pretty printed XML debug output
It also
- reworks the integration test framework
- raises the minimum Android API level to 19
- introduces XmppNioTcpConnection
Furthermore fixes SMACK-801 (at least partly). Java 8 language
features are available, but not all runtime library methods. For that
we would need to raise the Android API level to 24 or higher.
Rework integration tests
New structure of base integration test classes
bump dependency on signal-protocol-java from 2.4.0 to 2.6.2
Introduced CachingOmemoStore implementations
Use CachingOmemoStore classes in integration tests
Removed OmemoSession classes (replaced with more logical OmemoRatchet classes)
Consequently also removed load/storeOmemoSession methods from OmemoStore
Removed some clutter from KeyUtil classes
Moved trust decision related code from OmemoStore to TrustCallback
Require authenticated connection for many functions
Add async initialization function in OmemoStore
Refactor omemo test package (/java/org/jivesoftware/smack/omemo -> /java/org/jivesoftware/smackx)
Remove OmemoStore method isFreshInstallation() as well as defaultDeviceId related stuff
FileBasedOmemoStore: Add cleaner methods to store/load base data types (Using tryWithResource, only for future releases, once Android API gets bumped)
Attempt to make OmemoManager thread safe
new logic for getInstanceFor() deviceId determination
OmemoManagers encrypt methods now don't throw exceptions when encryption for some devices fails. Instead message gets encrypted when possible and more information about failures gets returned alongside the message itself
Added OmemoMessage class for that purpose
Reworked entire OmemoService class
Use safer logic for creating trust-ignoring messages (like ratchet-update messages)
Restructure elements/provider in order to prepare for OMEMO namespace bumps
Remove OmemoManager.regenerate() methods in favor of getInstanceFor(connection, randomDeviceId)
Removed some unnecessary configuration options
Prepare for support of more AES message key types
Simplify session creation
Where possible, avoid side effects in methods
Add UntrustedOmemoIdentityException
Add TrustState enum
More improved tests
This commit also changes the usage of the android.jar found in the
androidBootClasspath gradle variable, because
AndroidSmackInitializer.initialize(Context) pulls in
from minidns-android21, which has a @TargetApi annotation which is
only available on Android SDK API level 16 or higher. Otherwhise we
would get
> Task :smack-android:compileJava FAILED
/home/flo/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.minidns/minidns-android21/0.3.0/13f273d095e51d701283062a25e867f3ff26d258/minidns-android21-0.3.0.jar(/org/minidns/dnsserverlookup/android21/AndroidUsingLinkProperties.class): warning: Cannot find annotation method 'value()' in type 'TargetApi': class file for android.annotation.TargetApi not found
/home/flo/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.minidns/minidns-android21/0.3.0/13f273d095e51d701283062a25e867f3ff26d258/minidns-android21-0.3.0.jar(/org/minidns/dnsserverlookup/android21/AndroidUsingLinkProperties.class): warning: Cannot find annotation method 'value()' in type 'TargetApi'
error: warnings found and -Werror specified
1 error
when compiling smack-android.
Also add minidns-core as dependency to smack-core. This requires
increasing the minimum required Android SDK level to 9, as this is
what MiniDNS requires.