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PGPainless Changelog


  • Update SOP implementation to specification revision 03
  • Move sop-java and sop-java-picocli modules to its own repository
  • OpenPGPV4Fingerprint: Hex decode bytes in constructor
  • Add ArmorUtils.toAsciiArmoredString() for single key
  • Fix ClassCastException when retrieving RevocationKey subpackets from signatures


  • Fix sourcing of preferred algorithms by primary user-id when key is located via key-id


  • Introduce DateUtil.toSecondsPrecision()
  • Clean JUnit tests, fix code style issues and fix typos in documentation


  • When key has both direct-key sig + primary user-id sig: resolve expiration date to the earliest expiration
  • Add SecretKeyRingEditor.removeUserId() convenience methods that do soft-revoke the user-id.
  • Add SelectUserId.byEmail() which also matches the plain email address


  • KeyRingInfo.getPrimaryUserId(): return first user-id when no primary user-id is found
  • Rename method getBoundButPossiblyExpiredUserIds to getValidAndExpiredUserIds()
  • Remove audit resource material


  • Make Passphrase comparison constant time
  • Bump Bouncycastle to 1.70
    • Use new PGPCanonicalizedDataGenerator where applicable
    • Implement decryption with user-provided session key
    • Remove workaround for invalid signature processing
  • Remove Blowfish from default symmetric decryption/encryption policy
  • When adding/generating keys: Check compliance to PublicKeyAlgorithmPolicy
  • Fix BaseSecretKeyRingProtector misinterpreting empty passphrases
  • SOP: Fix NPE when attempting to sign with key with missing signing subkey
  • Describe Threat Model in [pgpainless-core/README.md]
  • Fix NPE when attempting to decrypt GNU_DUMMY_S2K key
  • Validate public key parameters when unlocking secret keys
  • Introduce iteration limits to prevent resource exhaustion when
    • reading signatures
    • reading keys
  • CachingSecretKeyRingProtector: Prevent accidental passphrase overriding via addPassphrase()
  • EncryptionOptions: replace method argument type PGPPublicKeyRingCollection with Iterable<PGPPublicKeyRing> to allow for Collection<PGPPublicKeyRing> as argument
  • SigningOptions: replace method argument type PGPSecretKeyRingCollection with Iterable<PGPSecretKeyRing> to allow for Collection<PGPSecretKeyRing> as argument
  • Prevent message decryption with non-encryption subkey
  • Rework key modification API to fix inconsistency problems with expiration and primary user-ids.
    • Remove methods to change expiration dates of subkeys and specific user-ids
    • Rework primary user-id marking logic to unmark non-primary ids
  • Added Cure53 Security Audit Report to the website
  • Reworked tests for cryptographic backend to use custom InvocationContextProvider implementation
  • Source PGPObjectFactory objects from ImplementationProvider
  • Fix typo getCommendHeader() -> getCommentHeader()


  • Restructure method arguments in SecretKeyRingEditor
  • Add explanations of revocation reasons to RevocationAttributes
  • Rename CertificationSignatureBuilder to ThirdPartyCertificationSignatureBuilder
  • KeyAccessor.ViaKeyId: Differentiate between primary key (rely on direct-key sig) and subkey (subkey binding sig)
  • Expose SignatureSubpacketsUtil.getKeyLifetimeInSeconds
  • Various cleanup steps and new tests


  • Fix invalid cursor mark in BufferedInputStream when processing large cleartext signed messages
  • Add SecretKeyRingEditor.revokeUserIds(SelectUserId, SecretKeyRingProtector, RevocationSignatureSubpackets.Callback)


  • Fix bug where KeyRingBuilder would mark additional user-ids as primary


  • New Signature builder API for more fine-grained control over key-signatures:
    • Introduce CertificationSignatureSubpackets builder class to wrap PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator for certification style signatures.
    • Introduce SelfSignatureSubpackets builder class for self-signatures.
    • Introduce RevocationSignatureSubpackets builder class for revocation signatures.
    • Introduce CertificationSignatureSubpackets.Callback, SelfSignatureSubpackets.Callback and RevocationSignatureSubpackets.Callback to allow modification of signature subpackets by the user.
    • Incorporate *SignatureSubpackets.Callback classes as arguments in SecretKeyRingEditor and KeyRingBuilder methods.
  • Start working on ProofUtil to create KeyOxide style identity proofs (WIP)
  • Move Signature verification related code to org.pgpainless.signature.consumer package
  • Ensure keyflags and other common subpackets are set in new signatures when adding user-ids
  • Ensure subkey can carry keyflag when adding it to a key
  • Refactor SecretKeyRingProtector methods and code


  • SecretKeyRingEditor: Remove support for user-id- and subkey deletion in favor of revocation
    • Deletion causes all sorts of problems. Most notably, receiving implementations will not honor deletion of user-ids/subkeys. If you really need to delete user-ids there now is KeyRingUtils.deleteUserId(keys, userid), but its use is highly discouraged and should only (if ever) be used for local manipulations of keys.
  • pgpainless-core & pgpainless-sop: Fix accidental compile scope dependency on logback-classic
  • KeyRingInfo: Sensible arguments for methods to get preferred algorithms


  • First release candidate for a 1.0.0 release! \o/
  • Rename EncryptionPurpose.STORAGE_AND_COMMUNICATIONS to EncryptionPurpose.ANY
  • Hide PGPainless.verifyCleartextSignedMessage() behind PGPainless.decryptAndVerify().
    • the latter now checks whether the message is cleartext-signed or not and automatically calls the proper API
    • MultiPassStrategy objects are now set through ConsumerOptions.setMultiPassStrategy().
  • Separate key ring generation through templates from custom key ring builder
    • PGPainless.generateKeyRing() now offers to generate keys from templates
    • PGPainless.buildKeyRing() offers a detailed API to build custom keys
  • Fix detection of non-armored data


  • Some preparations for OpenPGP V5 keys: OpenPgpV4Fingerprint is now an implementation of OpenPgpFingerprint
  • SignatureVerification and Failure now have toString() implementations
  • Logging: logback-classic is now an optional runtime dependency


  • Fix compatibility with PGPainless < 0.2.10
  • Fix interoperability with Kleopatra
    • Decryption: Do not skip over first PKESKs when we have a matching decryption key
    • MessageInspector: Break from object factory loop after encountering encrypted data (we cannot go deeper)
  • Move hash algorithm negotiation to own class
  • Change return value of EncryptionOptions.overrideEncryptionAlgorithm()


  • Fix prematurely throwing MissingPassphraseException when decrypting message with multiple possible keys and passphrases


  • Fix handling of subkey revocation signatures
  • SOP: improve API usage with byte arrays
  • Fix AssertionError when determining encryption subkeys from set containing unbound key
  • Add ConsumerOptions.setMissingKeyPassphraseStrategy(strategy) to modify behavior when missing key passphrases are encountered during decryption


  • Add ConsumerOptions.setIgnoreMDCErrors() which can be used to consume broken messages. Not recommended!
  • Add MessageInspector.isSignedOnly() which can be used to identify messages created via gpg --sign --armor
  • Workaround for BCs PGPUtil.getDecoderStream mistaking plaintext for base64 encoded data
  • Cleanup of unused internal methods
  • SOP: Fix ArmorImpl writing data to provided output stream instead of System.out
  • Fix hen and egg problem with streams in signature detaching implementation of SOP
  • Make code REUSE compliant


  • Export dependency on Bouncycastle's bcprov-jdk15on
  • Rework Key Generation API
    • Replace builder-chain structure with single KeyRingBuilder class
  • Change return value of CleartextSignatureProcessor.process() to DecryptionStream
  • Rename CleartextSignatureProcessor.process() to CleartextSignatureProcessor.getVerificationStream()
  • Add support for creating cleartext signed messages by calling ProducerOptions.setCleartextSigned()
  • Add examples for signing messages in the examples package.


  • Add MessageInspector class to determine IDs of recipient keys.
  • PGPainless now tries decryption using keys with available passphrases first and only then request key passphrases using callbacks.


  • Fix: Add workaround for BC defaulting to S2K USAGE_CHECKSUM by changing S2K usage to USAGE_SHA1
  • Repair keys with USAGE_CHECKSUM when changing passphrase


  • Fix: When changing expiration date of keys, also consider generic and casual certifications


  • Cleartext Signature Framework
    • Reuse ConsumerOptions class for verification
    • Return OpenPgpMetadata object as result of verification
  • Change default compression algorithm from UNCOMPRESSED to ZIP
  • Cleanup: Move Signature Verification code to dedicated internal stream


  • Allow customization of ASCII armor comment and version headers
  • Small bug fixes of SOP implementation
  • Readability fixes
  • Switch from JUL to slf4j for logging
  • SOP: Native support for verify-not-before and verify-not-after
  • SOP: Adopt changes for SOP spec version 2
    • Add detach-inband-signatures-and-message subcommand
    • Add support for environment variables
    • Remove -allow-nested
  • Cleartext Signature Framework: Fix handling of trailing newlines


  • Encrypt to all capable subkeys by default
  • Ignore missing CRC checksums in ASCII Armor


  • Fix writing data to standard out in the java-sop-picocli module
  • Improve handling of signatures with missing issuer-key-id packets
  • Properly ignore marker packets
  • Add issuer-fingerprint packets to message signatures by default
  • Fix ordering (bracketing) and nested-ness of one-pass-signatures
  • Fix interoperability issue with Thunderbird
    • Some keys caused wrong partial-length encodings for integrity protected session packets


  • Actually properly detect CRC checksum errors in ASCII armor


  • Explicitly reject non-self-signatures when picking user-id self-signatures
  • pgpainless-cli: Set executable name in help text
  • Properly detect CRC checksum errors in ASCII armor


  • Java based Stateless OpenPGP Protocol
    • Introduce sop-java module
      Contains Java interfaces modelling the Stateless OpenPGP Protocol
    • Introduce sop-java-picocli
      Command Line Interface frontend for sop-java based OpenPGP implementations
    • pgpainless-sop now contains an implementation of sop-java using pgpainless-core
    • pgpainless-cli now contains a ready to use OpenPGP command line application
      It simply plugs pgpainless-sop into sop-java-picocli.
  • Remove deprecated encryption API
  • Remove deprecated decryption API
  • Add PGPainless.extractCertificate() and PGPainless.asciiArmor() methods
  • OpenPgpMetadata: getDecryptionKey() and getVerifiedSignatures() now return SubkeyIdentifier objects
  • KeyRingReader now properly ignores marker packets
  • Encryption: File-related metadata (e.g. file name) moved to ProducerOptions
  • pgpainless-cli/pgpainless-cli executable script: Fix piping and parameter passing
  • sop-java-picocli: Add help command
  • When changing passphrases: Subkeys with GNU_DUMMY_S2K will now be ignored


  • Introduce new simplified decryption API
    The new API (withOptions(ConsumerOptions)) resembles the encryption API and is more friendly to dynamic construction of decryption properties
    The old API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  • Add example package in the JUnit tests
    This package contains always-up-to-date usage examples for the PGPainless' API and various use cases
  • Add KeyRingInfo.getVersion
  • Add CachingSecretKeyRingProtector.addPassphrase(OpenPgpV4Fingerprint, Passphrase)
  • Make builds of all jars reproducible
  • Fix NullPointerException in KeyRingInfo.getExpirationDateForUse()


  • Fix bug where adding a subkey would ignore the user-requested key flags
    This would cause subkeys to erroneously carry the certify-others key flag


  • Bump Bouncycastle dependency to 1.69
    This fixes a number of issues (#70, #72, #84). As a result the test suite should now run more smoothly \o/
  • Remove Android SDK build dependency
    We can now build PGPainless without the need to have the Android SDK installed
  • SignatureUtils: Add getSignatureDigestPrefix() method
  • Add KeyIdUtil which allows converting 16 digit hex fingerprints to key-ids
  • SignatureSubpacketsUtil: Add methods to get notations by name
  • Add public key algorithm policy to reject signatures made by weak signing keys