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PGPainless API with pgpainless-core

The pgpainless-core module contains the bulk of the actual OpenPGP implementation.

This is a quickstart guide. For more in-depth exploration of the API, checkout .

:::{note} This chapter is work in progress. :::


PGPainless' releases are published to and can be fetched from Maven Central. To get started, you first need to include pgpainless-core in your projects build script:

// If you use Gradle
dependencies {
    implementation "org.pgpainless:pgpainless-core:XYZ"

// If you use Maven

This will automatically pull in PGPainless' dependencies, such as Bouncy Castle.

:::{important} Replace XYZ with the current version, in this case {{ env.config.version }}! :::

The entry point to the API is the PGPainless class. For many common use-cases, examples can be found in the {{ 'examples package'.format(repo_pgpainless_src) }}. There is a very good chance that you can find code examples there that fit your needs.

Read and Write Keys

Reading keys from ASCII armored strings or from binary files is easy:

String key = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n"...;
PGPSecretKeyRing secretKey = PGPainless.readKeyRing()

Similarly, keys or certificates can quickly be exported:

// ASCII armored key
PGPSecretKeyRing secretKey = ...;
String armored = PGPainless.asciiArmor(secretKey);
// binary (unarmored) key
byte[] binary = secretKey.getEncoded();

Generate a Key

PGPainless comes with a method to quickly generate modern OpenPGP keys. There are some predefined key archetypes, but it is possible to fully customize the key generation to fit your needs.

// EdDSA primary key with EdDSA signing- and XDH encryption subkeys
PGPSecretKeyRing secretKeys = PGPainless.generateKeyRing()
        .modernKeyRing("Romeo <romeo@montague.lit>", "thisIsAPassword");

// RSA key without additional subkeys
PGPSecretKeyRing secretKeys = PGPainless.generateKeyRing()
        .simpleRsaKeyRing("Juliet <juliet@montague.lit>", RsaLength._4096);

As you can see, it is possible to generate all kinds of different keys.

Extract a Certificate

If you have a secret key, you might want to extract a public key certificate from it:

PGPSecretKeyRing secretKey = ...;
PGPPublicKeyRing certificate = PGPainless.extractCertificate(secretKey);

Apply / Remove ASCII Armor

ASCII armor is a layer of radix64 encoding that can be used to wrap binary OpenPGP data in order to make it save to transport via text-based channels (e.g. email bodies).

The way in which ASCII armor can be applied depends on the type of data that you want to protect. The easies way to ASCII armor an OpenPGP key or certificate is by using PGPainless' asciiArmor() method:

PGPPublicKey certificate = ...;
String asciiArmored = PGPainless.asciiArmor(certificate);

If you want to ASCII armor ciphertext, you can enable ASCII armoring during encrypting/signing by requesting PGPainless to armor the result:

ProducerOptions producerOptions = ...; // prepare as usual (see next section)

producerOptions.setAsciiArmor(true); // enable armoring

EncryptionStream encryptionStream = PGPainless.encryptAndOrSign()


If you have an already encrypted / signed binary message and want to add ASCII armoring retrospectively, you need to make use of BouncyCastle's ArmoredOutputStream as follows:

InputStream binaryOpenPgpIn = ...; // e.g. new ByteArrayInputStream(binaryMessage);

OutputStream output = ...; // e.g. new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ArmoredOutputStream armorOut = ArmoredOutputStreamFactory.get(output);

Streams.pipeAll(binaryOpenPgpIn, armorOut);
armorOut.close(); // important!

The output stream will now contain the ASCII armored representation of the binary data.

To remove ASCII armor, you can make use of BouncyCastle's ArmoredInputStream as follows:

InputStream input = ...; // e.g. new ByteArrayInputStream(armoredString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF8));
OutputStream output = ...;

ArmoredInputStream armorIn = new ArmoredInputStream(input);
Streams.pipeAll(armorIn, output);

The output stream will now contain the binary OpenPGP data.

Encrypt and/or Sign a Message


Decrypt and/or Verify a Message


Verify a Signature